Make Your Prayer Life Go WOW!
Everyone wants a powerful prayer life! Everyone desires a prayer life that actually works! Everyone would be totally satisfied with a prayer life that makes him or her go WOW! That is why everyone needs to read ‘Make Your Prayer Life Go WOW!
This book is the ideal reading tool for anyone–YOU– who wants to uncover how to get more yes answers from God! The author builds a clear path that anyone can follow, chapter by chapter, which explores the fundamentals for developing a powerful prayer life. Readers will understand more clearly
• prayer as effective communication with God
• the importance of deliberately practicing praying
• why God says “No” to prayers
• When God has no choice but to say “yes” when you pray
At the end of each chapter, you will have an opportunity to begin working on your WOW prayer journey by pondering on related Bible texts, review questions for consideration, and then say a prayer to seal your deal into making your prayer life go WOW!

WOW Prayer Battle Plan for Spiritual Warfare
You are always in war!
And that is what the enemy does not want you to believe! Instead, he wants you to believe that you are in war with the persons around you. He wants you to believe that the trials, struggles and challenges of your life are your actual battles. What he does not want you to believe is that he is your real enemy!
In this book, we journey through the concept of prayer as spiritual warfare, literally paralleling the Christian fight to the war that soldiers fight. Using war imagery and the metaphor of “battle”, readers are encouraged to view their daily battles as war with and against their true enemy–the devil– but because of their powerful Leader–God–victory is always assured!
Chapter by chapter, we examine important facets necessary for every believer when engaging in war. Using ‘The Battle Plan’ – The Word of God–readers will receive practical strategies most necessary to gain victory in every war situation.

Secrets of the WOW Praying Woman
Women know how to talk so they know how to pray!
Women love to connect through deep and meaningful conversations. Women love when they can be totally vulnerable and free to express their feelings. Women love to share secrets too!
In this book, the secrets of a WOW praying woman are revealed. Her ability to be connected not only to others, but also more importantly to God is one of her distinct characteristics in having a powerful prayer life. In each chapter she reveals secrets, and secrets within these secrets, that can assist every woman to have a deep, meaningful, and effective prayer life!
Are you ready to know her secrets? Shush! And she will tell you all you need to know!

WOW Prayers for Your Spouse
WOW Prayers for Your Spouse will change the way you pray for your spouse because it will help you realize that it is critical for you to dedicate time daily to pray for the growth and development of your spouse in every area of their lives.
This book is designed for people who want ensure that their marriages stand the test of time. Through the seven chapters, we journey through some of the most critical areas that a reader can focus on in praying for their spouse and in sometimes for themselves as spouses.

WOW Prayer Journal
This Prayer Journal is part of the WOW Prayer series. It is designed for people who on their WOW prayer journey and would like to record their experiences with God, document their prayer requests
and dreams, and keep check of their answered prayers, so that the evidence that God is working
in their lives.

WOW Prayers for the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit helps when you have to pray. In this book, the reader will understand on a deeper level the role of the Holy Spirit as they work on developing a WOW prayer life.