Uncover Your Divine Purpose
7 Practical Steps to Connect with Your Calling and Step Forward with Courage and Confidence
You can live a life aligned in your Divine purpose and experience great success, personal and professional fulfillment and peace without being afraid of failure, the unknown, feelings of inadequacy, lack confidence or judgment, or losing your faith as a Christian woman.
But, you first have to believe a few things:
- There is such a thing as a true purpose
- It is possible to uncover your Divine Purpose
- Your Divine purpose matters
- You can build success around your Divine purpose

Uncover Your Divine Purpose
About Dr. Nadine
Dr. Nadine Collins holds a Ph.D. in Educational Administration with a Doctoral Dissertation emphasis on women leaders in Higher Education. She serves as an International Speaker, Women's Leadership Expert, Spiritual Wellness Coach, Prayer Counselor, and Author.
For the past few years, Dr. Nadine has had the distinct honor of working with 100s of Christian women globally and empowering thousands who were dissatisfied with their lives even though, to others, they seemed successful. Many of these women were desperate to know their true purpose but were fearful that their calling or purpose would demand that they step outside the "status quo" and open them to judgment, rejection, ridicule, or failure.
She has witnessed the Divine transformation that many of these women are now experiencing because they live liberated lives aligned with God's will for them, experiencing personal and professional fulfillment and having the impact and influence God has designed for them.